I'd like to say thank you so much to my dearest friends who made today such a special and fantastic day. It was indeed a full day for me.. every hour of it was fun fun fun ;-)
Eena and Yati, love you guys so much. Thanks for kidnapping me. The bar crawling was fun. hahaha... the first stop i.e. Ice-Bar in the Curve was an experience indeed. Man that was freezing. Hahaha so funny they didnt wanna serve us non-alco drinks.. You think it's true ah that the drinks will freeze in our throats? Then we hit Laundry Bar. Why would they name the bar laundry anyways? It was great meeting Jim and the guys. Jim, cayalah, bukak class kat Curve.. naik standard from Rasta eh? Congratulations guys! You are now Advance divers already ;-) After that we went to my friend's bar, KL Jamming Asia. Thanks Velan for the invite. You guys rock! So sorry we couldnt stay long... And the last stop for the night was Skybar. Love love love that place. The view was fantastic! Thank you guys! Thank you for dinner and drinks and cakes! I enjoyed myself tremendously. The view was breathtaking. Now we know they switch off the KLCC lights at 1 a.m. And now I know where the heli pad on KLCC is.. hee hee And thank you Atuk for making special appearance ;-)
Thank you Ed for the birthday lunch. The fact that you requested the chef to whip up a quick birthday tiramisu was really sweet... love love love the tiramisu
Thank you Daida for getting us tickets to the Magic Flute. And thank you Fa, Sherie and Reza for spending the afternoon with me... and guys, thanks for the "gift" hahahaahah.. You guys notty la...
Thank you Apique for organising the pool party and the main dish. Hahahah i hope your neighbours aint pissed with us for ermm dancing and making so much noise. Thanks Len and Fizzie for the Tiramisu. Thanks also Len for the music... hee hee... Thanks KA for the cup cakes. Please thank Anne for me.. they're really really lovely. Ajax, thanks for the snacks and Dalae, thanks for the drinks. Please go to http://sosweetpliz.blogspot.com. The cupcakes are pweety and sweet aren't they? ;-) Thank you so much to those who sms-ed me. Am sorry I had to ask who you are... I broke my phone (again) and I didn't have the chance to transfer the numbers in the phone to the sim card (obviously coz the phone broke in two)... so i had to ask who the senders were... so sorry if i offended you.. Thanks so much for your wishes...
Am really really touched with your kindness and thoughtfulness. I had fun today from the clock struck midnight March, 25th to now (actually not really lah.. from 8 pm last night lah to be exact)... another half an hour to the end of today. I feel so blessed. And to my family, totally understand that everyone's busy and yes.. mom is Manila now, so it's totally OK to have birthday dinner later in the week... ;-) and to the chickies, I know there's birthday lunch sometime next week.. I understand also that everyone's busy these past few weeks... cant wait for lunch and to get my birthday presents (hee hee tak malu)
ThaNK YOou all.... may God bless you... ;-)
ALAAAAAAA.. I dont want today to end... coz tomorrow I'm gonna make a fool of myself in front of the whole class.. I'm sooo not prepared for the presentation... Dear Dr Tay, please dont slaughter me...
The Girl who was synonym to Pink Appolo Bio Fins now owns Blue Force Fins, a Full-Time Drifter, All-The-Time TV Addict, Part-Time Diver, Half-The-Time In Dream Land, Now-A-Part-Time Student....